Hey, I've bee having quite a past two days in Mr.Boyle's American History 1 class. Yesterday we learned about the preamble of the Constitution. Which is goes as stated "We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish the Constitution for the United States of America. Each of these parts of the preamble holds its own independent purpose. For example when in the preamble "And secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity." is stated it means that the Constitution was righten to ensure that we will always have our rights to liberty, and also so that the rights established here are forever passed on. During class we went around the room and in our own words told what each one of the phrases of the preamble meant and also how it worked or didn't work. I found this exercise to be quite demanding and challenging mentally, it also got me thinking about our preamble a little bit more.
Today in class we talked about "The Question of Representation" During this class we read passages from the Constitutional Convention. After reading the passages we had to take information from the reading and transfer it into which politician favors Proportional representation and which politician does not. After this part of the lesson we used a fake tweet builder to converse in the voices of the politicians we were pretending to be. In my case I was David Brearly he wanted to keep the equality of votes and was against propositional representation. So I then had to argue with James Wilson(Sam Ross) in 140 characters or less about our differing sides of propositional representation. Today's class helped us with with advancing our argument skills with only limited space to write. Our last two day's in Mr.Boyle's class have been educational and helpful to our class and study skills.
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