I chose question number one, "How have the Haitians responded to the presence of U.S Marines in their country?"
Obviously the views of these articles show the reader that Haitians were not fond of Marines inside of Haiti. M. Peralte (the high commander of the revolution) specifically called for the minister to help his cause in ridding Haiti of the Marines. Peralte accuses American Marines of crimes such as killing, theft, and barbarian acts. All of which he says are held back from the American people. What he is saying may or may not be true, and if someone that is really begging for the government to remove any and all Americans from Haiti, may lie so that the government may sympathize for them.. Peralte continues to speak of the marines bringing ruin and hopelessness to Haiti. The Haitians demand to be free from all Americans. Yet little do they know that the Americans are trying to stop Germans who are marrying Haitians to be able to live in Haiti. By becoming citizens the Germans may also become political leaders, and take over the nation as a whole. This would give Germans an advantage in the Caribbeans, and knowing that a war (WWI) may be coming Wilson decided to try and stop Germans from controlling Haiti and influencing it.
On the American side of this is the NAACP many people believe they are slightly bias leftists. However, that is no need to judge their article. They seem to express complete hatred towards the marines though. They explain that American control is maintained by the bayonet. During the article James Weldon Johnson also pursues numerous cases that he had seen, and overheard. Maybe he should stop eavesdropping. Anyhow, he fails to mention that at the same time that the Haitians were being killed, the caicos were killing Marines as well. The caicos brought more pan to their people, by giving reason to the marines to hurt their people when they felt threatened, especially after seeing there own comrades die. Nevertheless the Haitians did not like the marines in their cities or country altogether. Should we have intervened maybe so, maybe not. All I know for certain is that the Haitians all hated the US during the early 1900s.